Monday, September 26, 2005

When weekends make you wish for Monday...

When weekends make you wish for Monday, you know there's a problem! It started out innocently enough...Seran had a friend to spend the night, we went to the Family Safety Fair, and then we got a phone call. My sister was very sick, and my parents' dog that she was dog-sitting was very ill as well. All the rest of the plans went out the window, we spent the weekend at my parents tending both of them. I did learn that I never want to work at a vet clinic ;o) I got some stitching in while at Urgent Care with my sister (don't know about you but I do my best stitching there! LOL), worked on that gift I was talking about earlier for a member of the wedding party. It's coming along well and I hope to have it done by the end of this week for sure, although I can't post it till after the wedding of course. My sister either has the first case of flu in Tucson this flu season, or she has pneumonia, etc. I need to take her for x-rays this afternoon to find out. By 11pm last night it was apparent that my parents' dog was not getting better so I had to figure out how to move a 150 pound (or more?) St. Bernard. My brother called and saved the day, he came right over and between us and my oldest son we got the dog into the back of my brother's new Scion. I found this morning I have strained (sprained?) my stitching arm and pinky finger so stitching is difficult. The dog is under observation, will definitely be staying overnight again as he can't move his back legs. We are praying he does not have to be put down.

As you can imagine, all thoughts of the wedding are on hold, and I'll be living at my parents' for at least another day or two.

I threw in a pic of my BC Summer Row progress of 3 days, haven't worked on it since mid-last week, the gift has taken precedence.

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